Flower Power Junk Ink on Paper design prints available by Arana Kennedy |
Living in Hong Kong and deciding to take on full time art has been one 'eye opening' experience. At first it felt like an impossible task, but the impossible soon turned into a challenge. I like to take something that has been discarded and forgotten about, breath new life into it and make it beautiful and valuable again. Which is probably why my love life has been such a disaster! HAHAHA! I tend to like 'fix up' projects ;)
I started all this with enough money to pay all my rent and bills for 12 months. Then a few months in I was asked to move out of my very cheap flat and that move cost me 11 months of my living costs...
I saw it as a blessing in disguise as I moved back to my HK hometown of Stanley. Back surrounded by nature again. People asked where my inspiration of colour into my art came from... I paint how I feel... The move to Stanley opened my mind, I started to live and dream in vivid colours again. It is a reflection of my subconscious mind at play.
Getting back to basics and nature really inspired a new way of looking at the world. At one point in my life I tried moving continents but I soon discovered the unrest I felt was a part of me and no matter where I was, I would still have to face this internal struggle I had going on. Nature is truly a magnificent gift of raw power and beauty. These days you are more likely to survive stranded on a deserted island than you would thrown into a city with nothing... But then maybe that's the point of all those scenario's on books and film... you can survive in nature, the real world.
Stepping out and considering my next move I discovered how 'rent for buisness' works in Hong Kong, not sure about the rest of the world. But not only do landlords get to charge over what is reasonable, if you manage to make enough money and start doing well then the landlord will expect to also profit from your business in the form of 'rental increase'. Your work your ass off to establish yourself in business and so I guess the landlord justify it by saying, your business value has increased therefore the value of this property has increased as a result of your hard work... Someone who is making money off property already now gets a cut of your handwork, time and energy. I'm sorry, it all seems a bit shady to me!
Since I am already struggling to pay my rent taking on a 'business rental' is completely out of the question for me now. So I decided to set up 'shop' in my home in the hope that friends, friends of friends and family could help by simply using word of mouth. This is where my idea came in to make cards. I thought its a good way that people can support me by not spending too much money. I feel really blessed when people buy one card from me. Because to me, that small gesture says 'I love your work, I can't afford to buy a painting but I support you'
I am also asked why I don't show my work in galleries... When you have no budget to work with, hiring a van to transport work to and from events, soon adds up and is an expense I simply cant afford right now. I'm working towards that~!
ART CARDS for all occasions
ART CARDS... buy 1 card support an artist
To support my art contact me to 'buy a card' online, for HK$38. You can choose one card out of 30+ current designs, postage included. This will put you onto my 'members list of art patrons' So you will receive and email every time I put out 10 new designs so you can keep up to date. Times are tough so every small bit counts.
So... the exciting part... the gallery! I decided to do 'open house' every Sunday, so poeple can just come down and take a look. It's fun to sit back and have a glass of vino or a coffee and chat art. People's budgets vary greatly, so with this in mind I do have artwork ranging from HK$250-UP as I try to provide for all. I understand that no everyone can afford large artwork, but as the artist who spent over 2 months working on a large piece I can afford to drop the price too low either, as that is 2 months of my time. I can lower the price, but only so much.
Art on Sunday, its open house, so don't feel you need to buy anything when you visit, I also take great pleasure from people's simple interest in my art. So far I have had a few groups in my gallery and have loved sharing wine and talking art. I often get a lot of useful feed back too so I'm happy to open my home.
With summer coming, I am getting into Henna tatoo designs, so if you pop down for a visit you can get a free henna tattoo!
Contact info@AranaART.com (me) for more information, gallery veiwing at other times is by appointment only.