Thursday, 12 May 2016

Dragon identity II

Dragon identity II
May 2016
120x60cm Acrylic on canvas
Arana Kennedy
A mystical creature emerging from fire and fury. Discovering for the first time that the world isn't exactly a simple place to live in. So this is where the inner search as a dedicated artist began for me.

I tried to escape my world... 

Moved to another country, made new friends but soon realised that life's journey is one of inner reflection. The only way I was to reach true inner peace was to return to where it began and adjust my inner self.

9 years later here I am... Painting Dragon identity II
Bigger, bolder, more insightful, grown through a wonderful collection of random life changing events all leading to this very moment. 

I didn't feel very smart or clever at 20 or even 30... So I continued to put my head down, focus on the task at hand and work hard, to gain the most knowledge and understanding I could because they weren't paying me enough to actually try harder.

I feel like I have had very little life experience, I've never climbed a tall mountain, I haven't had kids, I haven't visited Africa but compared with a lot of people, my life is rich and full of adventure.

Put an artist in a room full of bankers... or put a banker in a room full of artists... Both senario's are the same for that individual. HAHA maybe not, I am of the belief a group of artists can convert a single banker but I highly doubt a room full of bankers could convert a single artist. More people need to start choose 'moral' over 'legal' 
love over anger
understanding over judgment
open to others ideas and opinions 
accepting each other for who we are
not the size of out bank accounts
our social standing in "society"
Respecting and understanding differences
finding the greatest qualities in the people around us and helping each other to grow into our own unique true selves.

After spending one week painting in the 'solid' red and black, I get to work by adding details.
I'm into hour 12 and have only added about a quarter of the golden magic.

When I really get into my artwork, I need to be in complete calmness... a meditative state of total relaxation. If you ask me today, What is the most important thing you can do to achieve personal happiness... BE IN THE MOMENT...
That is what creating artwork is about for me, breaking life down into joyful moments of adventure. Contemplating process and outcomes... moving forward, evolving. 

Painting bigger and bolder... this is a reflection of the inner confidence and transformation one acquires in their personal legend. We all have one but they aren't always so obvious.
"if its not working out, try a different way"
Never give up, just alter the plan
It's all about reflection and growth

Dragon Identity II
"work in progress"
 After breaking everything down in my life and choosing a seemiling difficult road... The road to freedom. The path of choice. Society leads us into a false sense of choice, if you really sit down and think about it, are you lead by choice or has your path been decided and until you reach stability in life you can't go forward... and do what you really want?

That's how I was feeling, trapped in my own life... Prisoner to routine and expectations. 

after each 10-12 hour stage of 'golden additions'
I need to leave the canvas for 24 hours to leave the gold set and dry.
Trying to rush this process only leads to smudges and imperfections.

I am not ready to lock myself into who I am, life has far too much to offer to settle for anything less than a wonderful adventure. Everyone is different and everyone has their thing... Be passionate... Turn your phone off at the weekends and let yourself be free from the pressures that society places on us.

Life is great!
I am blessed!
Today I paint!
Tonight I drink Sangria :) 

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