Saturday 14 May 2016

Phoenix Rising

Phoenix Rising

acrylic on canvas 30 by 60cm

And out of the furious fires of hell...

Rose an elegant and graceful create
She is young and naive 
Full of wonder and curiosity
Her wings have not been clipped
Nor will they

She draws strength from nature
Feels connected to the emotions of others
wants to grow and learn
deepen her beauty and understanding

She seeks knowledge and wisdom
Happiness and peace
Balance and harmony
a constant flow of evolving change

New artwork idea

From pain comes passion. An invisible driving force. As the dragons that I so dearly love become a part of my art... I felt they do represent a male persona and with the introduction of the Phoenix that compliments the dragon as a yin and yang, or balance. 

So a new adventure begins with the Phoenix gracefully rising from the asses, determined to fly free....

Thank you for reading :)

visit my website

New art promo video by 
my artist friend Carsten 
1st draft

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