Friday, 13 May 2016

Inner conflict outer grace

Inner Conflict Outer Grace

acrylic on canvas 2 x 20 by 60cm

Chinese New year inspired artwork

To welcome in the Chinese New year of 2016 with the year of the monkey... I decided to get out my red, gold and black acrylic paint and work on some interior textured artwork. Smaller pieces that compliment other art in your home or office. I used 2 shades of gold, one to represent my western side and the more orange shade to show the 999.9 Chinese gold, as it reflects the strong Asian influence I have had throughout my life.

I usually find the best time to paint (currently) is when something is bothering me. I loose myself in the details of the artwork as I ponder the route of an issue I have. One re accruing theme for me is the in equalities between men and woman. And how I was raised to feel equal to a man. Woman go from the safe secure environment of home and school life and get thrown into a 'mans' world. 

Not so long ago, a male friend asked me what I was up to. I told him work work work, as I'm trying to establish myself in the world and work force independently. He kinda brushed this off and asked about my social life... To which I replied, if I was a man would you ask me about my social life after what I just told you? 

Nothing of what he said was intended and once I pointed this out to him he realised oh! You are right, you have a very valid point! 

Am I bitter or angry? I may have been, but that's before my eye's were really open and seeing truths... Now I see clearly that is runs throughout society and even in ones were we think we are equal to our male friends. 

Recently I was offered my first 'co porate' sort of job... I was offered a big beautiful shiny offer, but the first offer of money was... laughable! I couldn't help but wonder if I had been a man, would they have offered me more? Thinking this I started reading up about the unfair pay divide in the cooperate world between men and women, this wasn't the horrifying part for me... The thing that really turned my stomach was hearing a woman working in this world for many years now saying, "that is the way it always is, live with it" 

WOW lady! way to stand up for half the population on this planet!

Inner Conflict Outer Grace

acrylic on canvas 2 x 20 by 60cm

Inner conflict

"The abuse of women and girls is the most pervasive unaddressed human rights violation on Earth" - Jimmy Carter

Recently the Dali Lama announced that putting more women in charge will even things out as women are compassionate and have the ability to sympathise in others situations. IE seeing both sides of the coin... 

My reading thus far makes me no expert on women issues at all, I just feel its a rather big issue and its one we all need to consider and think about, because right now, to me, it doesn't feel like its something that is thought about much, or taken very seriously. 

People may be hypocritical about Pope Francis putting on a big show at the end of Easter, saying it is all 'promotional' SO WHAT? It was a huge public statement and a wonderful step in the right direction. Not just for refugees but also for women.

Inner Conflict Outer Grace

acrylic on canvas 2 x 20 by 60cm
Back of the canvas

The concept can be bigger than the initial idea

This painting overall represents how we show ourselves to the world, with make up and clothing and how we each carry something inside us everyday. The things we carry can change, we are all different but we are the same, we want love, happiness and a fair and equal life... is that really so outrageous an idea?

Thank you for reading, if you'd like to help support me as an artist, please send money now :) 

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful day :)

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